

Before a little, there were rumors about the issue of insurance in the news of the television.
Gone still comes to Social Insurance Agency an unpaid postcard comes in my circumference, or to explain circumstances.
To be frank, I wanted you to get a grip more because you received the money of the person.
The one that the medical insurance contains seems to increase, and it may be to be the times I leave the pension, and to choose ahead recently.
Because I heard a thing called the individual annuity from an acquaintance, I examined it for oneself a little where was good.
I was at a loss in various ways because, however, it is started the insurance, but it is "個人年金 of アフラック" to have been worried about me.
Shin アフラック seems to be the insurance that can sell most in Japan by a name as is what; honesty such; get, and is reliable.
I want you to receive it well because you leave one's money.
When I reflect the all of you once at this opportunity, how will be it?

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