I think whether I will take out the insurance recently.
It is not life insurance, though. Though I am good in a stock as a part of the assets use, I think because I want to take you more surely than the appearing thing of the unreasonable risk how about 個人年金 of アフラック.
Because I easily examined contents, how will be you for reference in this verge?
Because I become nothing even if I let money idle in a chest, I am quite recommended.
【A characteristic】
The premium to master is decided by oneself from 5,000 yen to 10,000 yen.
It is decided by 1,000 yen unit intelligibly, besides.
Because it is 確定年金, I get it surely.
I make it a plan to receive at 60 years old by oneself and can choose a receipt at 65 and 70 years old if I have it to spare. Therefore interest is high one to receive later.
I get contract dividend, besides, every five years.
Will not you be terrible?
A stock and investment method called FX, the mask which do not get surely if make a bad job, it is it with a minus greatly, and return to oneself.
I recommend 個人年金 firmly.
There are many members in アフラック, besides, in Japan; starve, and a big case gets up in Japan, and can mind the safety high because is foreign-affiliated.
The back is supplementary, but seems to get the key ring of the NO .1 duck now.
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